"PRAKASH SPRING MFG. WORKS" was established in the year of 1972. In the initial stage, the company was involved in manufacturing all types of Industrial wire springs utilized in various Industries and still it is going on with attractive market. With the passage of time and due to best efforts of owner of the company Mr. Ramanbhai Panchal their business immense capacity to implement any plan and project with excellent management. Over three decades of experience has made the company a role model in the business. In the year of 1989 the company was started to manufacture of Diamond Wire Saw Accessories for marble quarrying first time in India prior to their imported wire saw accessories were used in Indian Mining Industries.
During 1.5 decades the Diamond Wire Saw Accessories prompt into the Indian mining market because of best quality, good services, excellent marketing and management. Company has become synonymous and sturdy with high quality products for stone quarrying and service information. Company looks forward to a successful future relationship with all involved.